Sex & Love Addiction

Specialist Areas:
Excessive use of pornography
Compulsive masturbation
Having multiple, ongoing affairs
Telephone sex
Excessive need for partner sex
Chat room/online sex
What is a normal sex life? Affairs, having lots of relationship, fetishes, use of porn etc…. they might not be sex or love addiction. However if they are causing problems in other areas of your life and you have tried to change your behaviour and can’t, it may compulsive and you need help from someone with very specific training in addiction not just counselling!
Access to porn is getting easier with the widespread use of the Internet. What can start as a stress or sexual release can lead to compulsive usage. But it isn’t just porn, using Facebook to connect with partners, dating websites.. it could be just healthy seeking for love and companionship or uncomplicated sex. However if you are in a relationship and are on the brink of loosing it if found out or have been caught and still you need to do these behaviours to cope with life. Or perhaps you are sitting at home on your laptop rather than extended your social life to find companionship, this could be compulsive and needs very specific help with someone trained in this area.
Excessive use of masturbation to sexual fantasy on the internet can change how we feel about partner sex. Sometimes this is not having enough stimulation so for men they can present with erectile dysfunction when engaging in partner sex, or both sexes present with a lack of desire. With access to new relationships you can get easily bored with existing partners and need to find the thrill of new love interest.
I work with individuals and couples to help to gain understanding into how life experience and unconscious coping methods can lead to current behaviours. Helping people overcome shame and start to rebuild their lives. Putting in self-management skills and changes to lifestyle to support and sustain behavioural change. Also working at rebuilding intimate couple sexual relationships. I offer this locally or using Skype and Telephone counselling from other parts of the UK.
Qualification and Experience
I have worked with couples and individuals presenting with Sexual Addiction issues for over 10 years. I have a PgDip in Psychosexual Therapy and a PCSA, a professional certificate in Sex Addiction. In addition I am a member of of ATSAC and I trained with ATSAC (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity). I have worked as a Psychosexual Therapist at Relate Cambridge and a Psychosexual Supervisor.