Psychosexual Therapy

Specialist Areas:
Negotiating Sexual needs within the couple
Lack of Desire
Erectile Problems
Difficulty achieving orgasm
Phobia about sex
Sexual pain and pain on penetration
Lack of knowledge
Premature & Delayed Ejaculation
There is a myth that sex should just be great if you find the right person. That even if it isn’t right in the beginning it will improve with time. Neither of these in my experience are true.
We often don’t have an easy language to use to talk about sex. In other areas of our life we expect to discuss what we want and to resolve differences. When sexual problems occur we often can’t talk about it so instead close off from each other and eventually the sex stops altogether. There is help available.
Our sexual needs can change over time and can be influenced by life stressors such as bereavement, the arrival of children, work problems. As well as physical changes such as ageing and illness. It is often an area where we find it difficult to find somewhere safe to talk about these problems.
Sex therapy offers a supportive, safe and understanding place to explore sexual issues, sexual norms and the needs of each other. As a trained sex therapist I offer practical, well informed and confidential help in improving or re-establishing intimacy in a couple.
I have had many years of experience working with couples and individuals with sexual and intimacy problems. It is often a huge relief to find that others have faced and overcome similar problems. Individuals and couples often find it difficult to ask for help about sex then achieve many benefits, initially it is a relief to find someone who understands and then building of confidence and sexual satisfaction as the therapy progresses.
Qualifications and Experience
I have worked for over 18 years with couples and individuals on their relationship and sexual needs. I am an accredited member of COSRT, the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists. I practiced as a Psychosexual Therapist and provided Psychosexual Supervision at Relate Cambridge. Additionally, I have a PgDip in Psychosexual Therapy and taught Psychosexual Therapy to Therapists for the Relate Institute.
Initially there is a detailed assessment to get a real understanding of the problems the individual or couple face. Often sexual problems are difficult to share and this process helps build up confidence in talking through issues in a safe, supportive way.
Sex therapy is a behavioural programme. Tasks are set for the individual or couple to carry out at home at an appropriate and achievable pace. This builds a individual or couple back to a sexual place working through issues as the process goes along.
Intimacy requires time and investment and the Sex therapist is available for on-going reviews to support new sexual behaviours.