NLP, hypnotherapy and timeline therapy are trained practices that help people identify and achieve personal goals.
Do you want to make some changes in your life?
Can’t decide what you want to do next?
Do you want your life to be more fulfilling?
Want help to get your life back on track?

What is NLP?
NLP is the term for a huge number of techniques put together by John Grindler and Richard Bandler. They watched various successful psychotherapists and psychologists and took the processes that were most effective.
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. We are programmed by the way in which we view external events and internalise them through our 5 senses. How we internalise and interpret external events in our mind is what programmes our behaviour. We can change how we interpret and view external events and so change our behaviour.
What is Hypnotherapy?
I’d like to explain a little about hypnosis and how it feels.
I use hypnosis to help break down issues that are holding you back at an unconscious level. Often we want to move on consciously by giving up a bad habit or behaviour but our unconscious mind won’t let us move on. I use hypnosis to still your conscious mind so that I can speak directly to your unconscious mind .
You may think you would never be able to go into trance but actually we all do several times in a day. Have you ever driven to work and thought I don’t remember going through those traffic lights or over the roundabout? Or watching tv and realise you have paid no attention- yes we all do it. This is in fact a natural trance like state that we enter all by ourselves. I help you to enter this state and then I can speak directly to your unconscious mind.
What is Time Line Therapy ™
Time Line Therapy® is a technique that allows you to gain emotional control over your life. Inappropriate emotional reactions, such as outbursts of anger, periods of apathy, depression, sadness, anxiety, and chronic fear, are responsible for preventing you from achieving the quality of life you desire. Limiting decisions, such as “I’m not good enough,” “I’ll never be rich,” or “I don’t deserve a great marriage,” create untrue limiting beliefs and stop you from creating reachable and attainable goals and outcomes. Created by Dr. Tad James, Time Line Therapy™ techniques enable you to eliminate many types of issues in your past, thus allowing you to move forward toward your goals and desires.
Your “Time Line” is how you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. Behaviour change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People don’t change consciously. The Time Line Therapy™ techniques allow you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change “inappropriate” programming in minutes rather than days, months or years.
The specific collection of techniques called Time Line Therapy® produces long lasting transformation very quickly and easily.
Goal Setting:
It is important to clarify exactly what you want to work towards. Often we self-sabotage as we don’t really want what we are trying to achieve. A clear understanding and commitment to a goal is vital to achieving what you want.
Putting in the changes is often easier said than done. I will help you work through your blocks and find strategies to move your life towards your goals. Also keeping in mind the goals and whether they are evolving.
Often a goal seems impossible because we do not break it into manageable areas. Reviewing what has been achieved and the steps for the next stage is important for a sense of achievement and momentum.
Qualifications and Experience
I am trained to Master level in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy. I was trained by Joseph Clough . I use these techniques and skills in addition to other disciplines. My interest is in Neurobiology and how we can change the way we are in the world to achieve the life we want to have.
Client quote
I was recommended to see Nicola after having reached what felt like a massive brick wall in my life. A controlling ex partner and manipulating daughter made me feel I had no place to go With Nicola’s help I worked through the emotions, what I could change and how I needed to change. It helped me see things clearer and gave me a path to a future which before had eluded me. I had never before understood the benefits of life coaching. I had a good network of friends and family and felt they should be enough. However Nicola’s obvious depth of knowledge and use of simple techniques meant that in only one hour I had the tools I need to make massive changes.
Kate, Cambridge Business Woman